Review workflows

Review workflows are about revising documents in certain intervals to ensure that a knowledge base stays up to date and does not fill with outdated content.

Breeze is the perfect solution for Confluence page reviews. The review workflows define simple conditions for identifying outdated pages in one or multiple spaces and setting their status to REVIEW REQUIRED, which means that a page needs a review, or to ARCHIVABLE, which means a page is no longer needed.

Page reviews and the cleanup of obsolete pages are straightforward and simple to use, yet the workflows are sophisticated enough to fit more regulative environments, e.g., ISO 27001.

This page contains everything needed to understand page review workflows with Breeze. Please take your time and read carefully.

Setting up a review workflow

Open Breeze and click Workflows. Then click Create workflow to open the workflow form.

The opened workflow editor of Breeze

To set up a review workflow, you must consider the Pages to review and Pages to archive sections, which are explained below.

Pages to review

The field Review based on determines the basis upon which pages will be considered outdated and hence receive the status REVIEW REQUIRED. Selecting Page activity means that pages will get marked for review, if they have not been updated or have not been viewed for the number of days specified via the Days without update and Days without view fields.

Enabling page reviews based on page activity

The Days without update parameter is usually more important because update events can be traced back in time, whereas view events can only be tracked from the day of installing Breeze.

Selecting Fixed interval means that pages will get marked for review if their last review is longer ago than the number of days specified in the field Days without review.

In that case, the field Earliest review date can be used to delay the first review of pages that have never been reviewed with Breeze before. If it is left empty, those pages will first be marked for review when they are older than the days of the Days without review field.

Enabling page reviews based on a fixed interval

After deciding on the conditions, you must decide on the responsible reviewers, i.e., which users should be notified when pages are marked for review.

The Notifications field provides a predefined set of user roles to choose from.

Enabling role-based notifications during the workflow setup
  • Space owner will notify the owner of the space. Since the space owner is the same for all pages of a space, this means that the corresponding user will be notified for all pages to review in a workflow space. Learn how to assign space owners.
  • Page owners will notify the single owner of a page (as specified by Confluence) plus the additional page owners specified with Breeze. This option is recommended for most use cases. Learn how to assign page owners.
  • Page creator will notify the user who once created the page. We recommend using the option Page owner instead since the creator cannot be changed in Confluence and depending on the age of a page, chances are high that the user who once created the page has left your Confluence site and is no longer existent.
  • Last contributor will notify the user who last updated the page.
  • All contributors will notify all users who once updated the page.

In addition to role-based notifications, the Individual notifications field allows the selection of specific users who will be notified for all pages to review within the workflow space.

Enabling individual notifications during the workflow setup

Pages to archive

This section contains conditions for labeling pages as ARCHIVABLE, which can be useful for identifying outdated pages that should be removed without further review.

The conditions and notifications settings are analogous to those in the Pages to review section, except that labeling pages as archivable is always based on the page activity.

Workflow settings for considering pages as archivable

After specifying the workflow conditions, click Save and proceed with the workflow assignment.

Workflow assignment

Before a review workflow can identify outdated pages, it must be assigned to one or multiple spaces.

The assignment of workflows to a space is only permitted to space admins.

Navigate to the Overview component and choose a space. Then click Assign workflow and select a previously created workflow. Confirm by clicking Assign workflow.

Assignment of a workflow to a space via the Overview component

Executing review workflows

Executing a review workflow means that Breeze looks through all pages of an assigned space and labels outdated pages as REVIEW REQUIRED or ARCHIVABLE, depending on the workflow’s conditions. It also means that Breeze creates a report, which mentions responsible users to take action on the results.

The execution of a workflow, the creation of a report, and sending notifications are all coupled with each other.

Manual execution

Manually executing a workflow is useful when a space has not been analyzed yet and to get an immediate report containing the identified pages to review.

Only space admins can trigger the manual workflow execution.

A workflow can be manually executed in the Overview component by clicking Analyze space and then Analyze space now.

Manually executing a workflow in the Overview component

Automated execution

While manual workflow execution is useful for getting immediate results for an individual space, Breeze also provides an automatic workflow execution to ensure that all spaces with an assigned workflow are regularly checked for outdated pages.

By default, the automatic workflow execution is enabled and configured so that workflows are executed every four weeks on Sunday. To disable the automatic execution of workflows, or change the execution interval or the day of execution, go to the global app settings.

If the automated execution of workflows is enabled, the remaining days until the next execution are displayed in the app’s main menu bar.

The remaining days until the next automated workflow execution

Reviewing pages

After a workflow execution, the pages to review are contained in the space’s latest report.

In addition, pages with the status REVIEW REQUIRED are listed in the Review component, and pages with the status ARCHIVABLE are listed in the Archiving component.

When opening a page to review, the current status is shown at the very top.

Content relevance shown at the top of each Confluence page

After checking (and perhaps updating) the content, a reviewer should click the status to open the page status dialog.

The opened page status dialog when reviewing a page

If the page is still relevant, the reviewer clicks the Up to date button, which will reset the page to the UP TO DATE status.

Resetting a page will also reset the workflow conditions, which have caused the page to be marked for review. As an example, a page might be marked for review by a workflow because it was not updated for 90 days, as specified in the corresponding workflow conditions. If the page is reset it will be marked by the workflow again in 90 days at the earliest.

If the page is considered obsolete, the reviewer clicks the Archivable button, which will set the status to ARCHIVABLE. In this case, the reviewer can add a comment, which will show in the archiving component and help space admins (or persons responsible for archiving) understand why this page is no longer needed.

Comments can be given to pages marked as archivable

Manually marking pages for review or archiving

While Breeze identifies pages to review during a workflow execution, pages can also be manually marked as REVIEW REQUIRED or ARCHIVABLE by a user. These statuses can be set for single pages or complete page trees, which is, for example, useful when a page tree contains all information of a particular project that has been finished and hence shall be marked for archiving.

The status of pages manually marked for review or archiving stays to ensure it is not overridden by a succeeding workflow execution.

To set the status, open the page status dialog on top of the page and click the … buttton.

The dot menu of the review dialog

Then select Mark page for review or Mark page as archivable.

The opened dot menu of the review dialog

In the following dialog, you can decide to also mark descendants of the page, i.e., all sub-pages below the current page in the page tree. In the case of marking pages as ARCHIVABLE, you can also provide a comment, which will afterward show in the archiving component of Breeze.

Comments can be given to pages marked as archivable

Marking a complete page tree may take a while and depends on the number of pages within the tree. Please make sure not to click and keep the popup open until the operation is completed.

Advanced settings

Excluding pages from the review workflow

Depending on your Confluence content, you may want to exclude pages from the workflow execution, i.e., set the EXCLUDED status, which prevents Breeze from marking these pages for review or archiving.

A typical use case might be pages with content known to not change over time, like the company vision, corporate ID, or branding material.

Another example are the Breeze reports. Once created, a report does not change, which is why these reports are excluded by default.

To set the EXCLUDED status, click the current status to open the page status dialog and then click the … button.

The dot menu of the page status dialog

Then click Exclude page.

Select 'exclude page'

Afterward, you can decide to either exclude the single page and/or to exclude all descendants, i.e. all pages below the current page in the page tree.

Exclusion of pages from the content analysis

Using different review conditions for one space

Spaces may contain a great variety of documents, which may differ in terms of their review and update frequency. Therefore, Breeze offers page workflows to satisfy the demand for a more flexible way of managing review conditions for different parts of one space.

A page workflow is only applied to a specific page tree and overrides the review and archiving conditions of the associated space workflow.

Page workflows can be added via the … buttons in the Overview at the right of a page row.

Page workflow example
A page workflow can override the review and archiving rules of the space workflow

Page workflows do not override notifications, i.e., they use the same settings as the associated space workflow.

Assigned page workflows are shown in the overview as colored dots that visualize the overridden rules. Details show up when hovering over these indicators.

Page workflow details
Workflow details are shown when hovering over the page workflow indicators in the overview


The following tips can help you with your workflow setup.

1. Limit the number of pages to review

No one likes to be overwhelmed by an endless number of pages to review. Therefore, we recommend limiting the number by starting with a high number for the Days without update condition in the Pages to review section when setting up a review workflow.

Starting with a higher value, e.g., 365 days, will first identify the pages that haven’t been updated for a very long time. Then, after reviewing those pages, you can progressively lower the number and begin with reviewing pages more frequently.

The pages to review section with a higher number for the days without update condition

2. Use a workflow naming convention

It might be a good idea to name your workflows according to their conditions.

As an example, a workflow could be named “Review: 90d no update, Archive: 365 no update”, which corresponds to its conditions that pages will be marked for review if they have not been updated for 90 days or will be marked for archiving if they have not been viewed for 365 days.

A proper naming convention will help to distinguish workflows just by their names.