
Breeze provides two types of ownership roles, which can be on page-level (page owners) or space-level (space owners).

Both ownership roles are used within workflow rules to set up notifications and hence determine responsibility for the review process.

Ownership roles can be used to setup notifications within workflows
Ownership roles can be used to set up notifications within workflows

Page owners

Page owners can be assigned via the page status dialog, which is shown at the very top of each page.

Open the ownership dialog by clicking the page status at the top of each Confluence page

Open the dialog and click the … button.

Opened page status dialog

Select “Set page owner” to open the page owner assignment dialog.

Selecting 'Set page owner'

Now, you can assign an owner to the page and/or to all descendants of the page. Page ownership can then be considered within the notification rules when creating a workflow.

Defining page owners of Confluence pages

Space owners

Space ownership can be used to determine space-level responsibility for keeping Confluence clean and organized.

A space owner can be assigned to a space via the Overview component.

Assignment of a space owner

Space ownership can be used to set up notifications when creating a workflow, i.e., you can select the space owner to be notified whenever Breeze labels pages as REVIEW REQUIRED or ARCHIVABLE.

Moreover, you can use space ownership to filter spaces by particular owners via the Spaces component.