The Analytics component helps you analyze the outcome of your content management efforts. It shows two graphs for a selected time frame, as shown in the image below.

Content health graph
The content health graph visualizes the content quality of a selected space over time.
The content quality or health is defined as the proportion of pages marked as UP TO DATE in relation to the total number of pages analyzed (not taking into account pages with the status DRAFT, IN APPROVAL, and EXCLUDED pages).

The graph visualizes data points to fit the selected time frame. The entries do not necessarily represent the real execution dates of automatic or manual content analyses but show the last known content quality at the individual date.
Breakdown by status
This graph visualizes the distribution of pages and their status over time.

The graph visualizes data points to fit the selected time frame. The entries do not necessarily represent the real execution dates of automatic or manual content analyses but show the last known breakdown by status at the given date.